You can never Experience Pure Love if you are stuck in just intellect because Pure Love is so much more!!!

You will get to Experience Pure Love and the Magic of Being in the Rhythm of Pure Love when you get your brain circuitry in order. That means replacing any less than Ideal beliefs, thoughts and attitudes with Purely Loving ones. This takes Divine Imagination. This kind of Imagination is not based on desperation but instead from a Purely Loving Rhythm; a place of fulfillment and abundance.

How we think it should be from an intellectual frame of reference is of a lower order and vibration. As you allow your Self to develop through the Power of Pure Love, instead of trying to control your life through intellect; you will Experience The Lightness of Being in the Rhythm of Pure Love.

This doesn't mean that you don't think! It does mean that you don't want your thinking to control you. You want your thinking to be in Harmony with your Higher Knowing and Ideal. Then you will be able to follow your gut level with an open heart!

We are all to become more Love oriented instead of goal oriented. With the right attitude all will turn out the way it’s supposed to, because it will unfold in the Rhythm of Love. This amounts to being Divinely Directed and Protected; the only way to have True Peace of Mind; One with Natural Law in Divine Order!

Your Goal is to Be Living from that Reality and Frame of Reference. The Rhythm of Pure Love Heals All!

It is Important to Know that you are a Spiritual Being having a human experience. To Ultimately Fulfill your self you must Actualize the Spiritual and biggest part of your nature, The Power of Pure Love!

Steps you can take to Experience Pure Love

1) Be aware of how you are feeling, so you can come to your day in the Rhythm of Pure Love. Once aware of how you are feeling you can always make re-finements. Remember that you have thoughts and feelings, but you are not just your your thoughts and feelings; you are something more. When your are One with your Center/Ideal you will Experience Pure Love because you will Be One with It! Pure Love comes from within and is Connected to something Bigger than us!

2) Meditating (my Creative Experiencing CD's) will help you Actualize your Ideal Purely Loving Self, so you can come to your day with a sense of Abundance and Oneness.(this is the Best most Efficient way to make lasting re-finements that are in your Eternal Best Interest.)

3) Respect your sensitivities and uniqueness....there is only one of you, let it shine on through in all it's Glory. It is easy to let your uniqueness shine on through when you learn to live up to your Ideal and Experience the Power of Pure Love.

4) Learn to live up to your own expectations, so you can Love your self....getting into your Ideal frame of mind will help you be aware of your true expectations for yourself... most have no clue of who they really are, of their inner Higher Knowing and Voice.

5) To Experience Pure Love, you must learn to like your self.

6) Then you can be your own best friend and support system. Treat your self like you treat your best friend.

7) Learn to be more Loving, Understanding and Compassionate because of what you have and are going through. Consciously doing this will help you get beyond your little ego self; to stretch into Being Ideal!

8) Look your self in the eye. Connect with you and tell your self you Love You. If it feels uncomfortable, ask your self why. It is good to have conversations with your self. Ultimately your Ideal Self will Heal the little wounded ego part of you.

9) Spend enough time alone with your self in silence (no distractions) so you can be aware of your thinking. If you like it, reinforce it; if you don't, find the positive balance. (if you have a problem doing this I can help)

10) Use the power of your breath as you go through your day. Inhale the Healing White Light and exhale any tensions you may be absorbing so that you can maintain a Higher State of Consciousness.

To learn about "The Power" of Pure Love, click here.....

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