The Heavenly Way
How to have Heaven on earth

Heaven is a Rhythm not a place.
When in the Rhythm of Pure Love
Wherever you are is Heavenly.

yvonne vnuk nielsen

Yvonne Vnuk Nielsen is a Master Teacher and Healer; who can help you reach Enlightenment, connect to the Wisdom of your soul! Her Death Experience revealed the Eternal Way and Truths. This is a Cons

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YVONNE VNUK NIELSEN Products and Services

Yvonne Vnuk Nielsen's services, books and CD's. Products to help you re-Connect with the Wisdom and Ideal in you!

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Moon Cycle Sign: Symbolism

Every 4 weeks there is a new moon cycle sign. You are influenced by each sign in a different way and will have new and different experiences accordingly. That is one of the reasons why you can go t

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Humility Will Help You Find Real Happiness

Most people experience humility as a downer. Every time you have a humbling experience, you are one step closer to your Ideal All Knowing Self! Initially humility will help you heal your soul. Ultim

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Power of Pure Love

As you Understand The Power of Pure Love, you will want to Experience it. It outpowers everything else and is Ultimately what you are longing for; even when you don't think so. You will find that th

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Wholistic Healing: Power of the Mind

Wholistic Healing is Healing from the inside out; walking in Peace, Love, and Joy; in all you think, say and do! Connect with the Power of your Mind and the Power of Pure Love. Pure Love Heals All. Fi

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Wholistic Healing: Vitamix

I Love My Vitamix blender! It is the best way I have found to get the most nutrients from food. You are what you eat and think!

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Verbal Elixirs: Thoughts to Peace of Mind

Verbal Elixirs can Heal your soul. Re-Connect to your Ideal Spirited Self

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Fine Art of Symbolism: The Symbolism of Your Heart

You need to understand the symbolism of what is going on in your life and not just take things literally. Feeling how you are feeling relative to your Ideal, is where you start. Anything less than

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Be Aware that solar flares do affect you

Be aware that solar flares have an affect you! Find out what kind of affects and what to do about it. We have all heard about the intense affects they have on the planet; stimulating earthquakes, vo

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Sadness Is In The Air

Sadness is a clue that you are not Being True to your Truest Self. Nothing on the human level can ever really get rid of your depressive symptom. Sadness is the Bigger Picture's way of getting your

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Pure Love

To understand Pure Love you must Experience it. Pure Love outpowers human love and anything human. Start out feeling as much love as you can and then follow some easy steps to build it into Pure Lov

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Oneness Factor

The Oneness Factor IS. It is the True Reality. Most humans are not playing with a full deck because they see everything and everyone as separate; when in Reality we are all connected and One! To Su

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Natural Healing and Your Super-Consciousness

Natural Healing occurs when you are Living in Harmony with the Wisdom of your soul, your Super-Conscious. There is Symbolism Underlying your symptoms. As you start to Understand that Symbolism and m

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Moon Cycle: Use Each One To Find Real Happiness

Be aware of where in the Moon Cycle you are so you can get the symbolism behind what is going on in the moment; otherwise you will have a tendency to take things literally and miss the Real Message

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Mental Feng Shui: Fine Art of Idealism

Mental Feng Shui is a philosophy, a Fine Art and a Science; with a process and a goal. The Power of Pure Love will show you the Way to Live an Idealistic Life, The Fine Art of Idealism!

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Mental Feng Shui Basics

Just being aware of the Basic Principles of Mental Feng Shui can open up Pathways to Enlightenment, helping you re-Connect to your Truest Self and Nature.

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Meditation Overview

Meditation, "Creative Experiencing", is probably the single most important thing you can do to facilitate and enhance the process of Healing your human condition. More specifically, Creative Experie

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Verbal Elixirs: On Love

Verbal Elixirs on Love are pithy Eternal Truths. When you think on them, they can help you re-Connect to your Ideal Purely Loving Nature, the Real you!

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Inspirational Quotes from "Verbal Elixirs: Thoughts to Peace of Mind"

Inspirational Quotes and Motivational Quotes from "Verbal Elixirs: Thoughts to Peace of Mind". Eternal Truths that will ignite your Eternal Knowing and re-Connect you to your Ideal Nature, Healing a

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Inspiration: 7 Eternal Facts

Inspiration for December 10,2011 eclipse and beyond. 7 Eternal Facts for motivation.

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Insomnia: Insights & Solutions

Insomnia can be a useful tool to getting to the core of anything that is keeping you from having Peace of Mind.

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Important Questions to Ask Yourself

Learn how to ask yourself important questions.The Right Answer is found in the Right Question.

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Delusion of the Human Condition

The human condition is an incomplete way of being. We are Eternal Beings living in a temporal world. Humans are not playing with a full deck, being unaware of the Bigger Scheme of things that affec

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Wholistic Healing: Glossary

Definition of Higher Order Eternal Terms. Helpful to get beyond the limited human view and to find Real Happiness. Useful terms for Self-Actualization and learning to Live in Harmony with the Bigge

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Frankincense is a Master Essential Oil

Frankincense is a master 100% essential oil. It has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. Use it to help heal and ward off the effects of bacteria and viruses. Purest form of medicine with no s

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Experience Pure Love

Experience Pure Love and find Real Happiness by becoming aware of parts of you that are less than Spirited and Ideal.Learn to develop your Higher Powers! You do have an Ideal Eternal part to your na

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Eternal Perspective

Understand how getting "In Tune" with the Eternal Perspective can save your soul, giving you Eternal Peace of Mind!

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Wholistic Healing with Essential Oils

Young's essential oils are anti-bacterial and anti-viral! I found them to be Best and the most natural way to maintain physical health and psychological well-being.

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Dreams you have at night and day dreams are more real than human life!!! With the right interpretation, they can help you become your Ideal Truest Nature; which is your Ultimate Goal/Reason for bei

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